Sesso vs. genere

The Italian words 'sesso' and 'genere' both relate to concepts of gender and sex, but they have distinct uses and contexts.


'Sesso' primarily refers to biological sex and physical aspects of sexuality.
Il sesso del bambino è maschile.
(The sex of the baby is male.)
Il modulo richiede di indicare il sesso: maschio o femmina.
(The form requires indicating the sex: male or female.)
I giovani parlano spesso di sesso.
(Young people often talk about sex.)


'Genere' is more commonly used for grammatical gender, literary genre, or social gender roles.
In italiano, ogni sostantivo ha un genere grammaticale.
(In Italian, every noun has a grammatical gender.)
Qual è il tuo genere letterario preferito?
(What's your favorite literary genre?)
La società sta cambiando le sue percezioni sui ruoli di genere.
(Society is changing its perceptions of gender roles.)


While 'sesso' is typically used for biological sex and sexual activity, 'genere' has a broader application in grammar, literature, and social contexts. 'Sesso' is more specific to physical attributes, while 'genere' encompasses cultural and linguistic aspects of gender.