Scadenza vs. termine

The Italian words 'scadenza' and 'termine' are often used to express the concept of a deadline, but they have subtle differences in usage and connotation.


'Scadenza' typically refers to an expiration date or a due date, often associated with products, documents, or payments.
La scadenza del latte è domani.
(The milk's expiration date is tomorrow.)
La scadenza per il pagamento delle tasse è il 30 giugno.
(The deadline for tax payment is June 30th.)
Il passaporto ha una scadenza di dieci anni.
(The passport has an expiration date of ten years.)


'Termine' is more general and can mean deadline, end, or limit. It's often used for project deadlines or time limits.
Il termine per la consegna del progetto è la prossima settimana.
(The deadline for project submission is next week.)
Abbiamo raggiunto il termine del nostro viaggio.
(We've reached the end of our journey.)
C'è un termine di trenta giorni per presentare un reclamo.
(There's a 30-day time limit to file a complaint.)


While both 'scadenza' and 'termine' can be translated as 'deadline', 'scadenza' is more specific to expiration dates and due dates, especially for tangible items or payments. 'Termine' is broader, referring to deadlines, endpoints, or time limits in various contexts, including projects and processes.