Probabile vs. verosimile

'Probabile' and 'verosimile' are Italian words often used to express likelihood or probability, but they have subtle differences in usage and connotation.


'Probabile' means probable or likely, and is used when discussing events or outcomes that have a good chance of occurring based on evidence or statistical likelihood.
È probabile che pioverà domani.
(It's probable that it will rain tomorrow.)
La sua vittoria alle elezioni è molto probabile.
(His victory in the elections is very likely.)


'Verosimile' means plausible or credible, and is used when describing situations or statements that seem true or realistic, even if not necessarily probable.
La sua spiegazione sembra verosimile.
(His explanation seems plausible.)
Il film presenta una storia verosimile, anche se non basata su fatti reali.
(The movie presents a credible story, even if not based on real events.)


While both 'probabile' and 'verosimile' relate to likelihood, 'probabile' is more closely tied to statistical probability or evidence-based likelihood, whereas 'verosimile' focuses on the believability or realistic nature of something, regardless of its actual likelihood of occurrence.