Pelare vs. sbucciare

The Italian verbs 'pelare' and 'sbucciare' both relate to peeling, but they are used in different contexts depending on the type of food and method of peeling.


'Pelare' generally means to peel or remove the skin of fruits or vegetables that have a thin, easily removable skin or peel. It can also be used for removing hair or fur from animals.
Devo pelare le patate per la cena.
(I need to peel the potatoes for dinner.)
Il barbiere mi ha pelato la testa.
(The barber shaved my head.)
Pela le carote prima di tagliarle.
(Peel the carrots before cutting them.)


'Sbucciare' is used specifically for peeling fruits or vegetables with a thicker skin or rind that needs to be removed more deliberately, often with a knife or peeler.
Sbuccia l'arancia prima di mangiarla.
(Peel the orange before eating it.)
Ho sbucciato la mela con un coltello.
(I peeled the apple with a knife.)
Sbuccia la banana e tagliala a fette.
(Peel the banana and slice it.)


While both 'pelare' and 'sbucciare' mean to peel, 'pelare' is more general and can be used for thin-skinned produce or even hair removal, while 'sbucciare' is specific to fruits and vegetables with thicker skins that require more effort to remove.