Là vs. lì
The Italian words 'là' and 'lì' both mean 'there' in English, but they are used differently based on distance and specificity.
'Là' refers to a place that is far away or not precisely defined. It indicates a general, vague location.
Guarda là, c'è un bellissimo tramonto.
(Look over there, there's a beautiful sunset.)
Il mio amico vive là in America.
(My friend lives over there in America.)
Metti la borsa là sul tavolo.
(Put the bag there on the table.)
'Lì' indicates a specific, well-defined location that is closer to the speaker or the person being addressed.
Ho lasciato le chiavi proprio lì sul comodino.
(I left the keys right there on the nightstand.)
Fermati lì, non muoverti!
(Stop right there, don't move!)
Il ristorante è lì all'angolo della strada.
(The restaurant is there at the corner of the street.)
While both 'là' and 'lì' mean 'there', 'là' is used for distant or vague locations, while 'lì' is for specific, nearby places. 'Là' might refer to a general area or direction, whereas 'lì' points to an exact spot. Choose 'là' for less defined locations and 'lì' for precise, closer points.