Giorno festivo vs. festa nazionale

The Italian terms 'giorno festivo' and 'festa nazionale' both refer to holidays, but they have distinct meanings and uses in Italian culture.

Giorno festivo

'Giorno festivo' is a general term for any public holiday or non-working day in Italy. It includes both national holidays and local or religious celebrations.
Il Natale è un giorno festivo in tutta Italia.
(Christmas is a public holiday throughout Italy.)
Durante i giorni festivi, molti negozi sono chiusi.
(During public holidays, many shops are closed.)

Festa nazionale

'Festa nazionale' specifically refers to a national holiday that is celebrated throughout Italy and is typically established by law.
Il 2 giugno è la festa nazionale della Repubblica Italiana.
(June 2nd is the national holiday of the Italian Republic.)
Le feste nazionali sono giorni di commemorazione per tutto il paese.
(National holidays are days of commemoration for the entire country.)


While 'giorno festivo' is a broader term encompassing all public holidays, including religious and local celebrations, 'festa nazionale' specifically denotes national holidays recognized across Italy. 'Giorno festivo' could include days like Easter or local saint's days, whereas 'festa nazionale' refers to holidays like Italy's Republic Day or Liberation Day.