Buttare vs. gettare vs. lanciare

The Italian verbs 'buttare', 'gettare', and 'lanciare' all relate to throwing, but they have distinct nuances in their usage and connotations.


'Buttare' generally means to throw away or discard, often implying carelessness or a lack of regard for the object.
Ho buttato via le vecchie scarpe.
(I threw away the old shoes.)
Non buttare i soldi per cose inutili.
(Don't throw away money on useless things.)


'Gettare' means to throw or cast, often used for more deliberate actions or in more formal contexts.
Il pescatore gettò la rete in mare.
(The fisherman cast the net into the sea.)
Gettare le basi per un nuovo progetto.
(To lay the foundations for a new project.)


'Lanciare' typically means to throw or launch, often implying force or a specific direction, and is commonly used in sports or for projectiles.
Il giocatore lanciò la palla al compagno di squadra.
(The player threw the ball to his teammate.)
L'azienda ha lanciato un nuovo prodotto sul mercato.
(The company launched a new product on the market.)


While 'buttare' is often used for discarding or throwing away carelessly, 'gettare' implies a more deliberate action of throwing or casting, and 'lanciare' suggests throwing with force or in a specific direction, often used in sports or for launching objects or ideas.