Avvertimento vs. avviso

The Italian words 'avvertimento' and 'avviso' both mean 'warning' in English, but they have subtle differences in usage and connotation.


'Avvertimento' typically refers to a more serious or formal warning, often implying a threat or consequence.
Il governo ha emesso un avvertimento di viaggio per quella regione.
(The government issued a travel warning for that region.)
L'avvertimento sulla confezione indica i possibili effetti collaterali del farmaco.
(The warning on the package indicates the possible side effects of the medication.)


'Avviso' is generally used for milder warnings, notifications, or announcements that don't necessarily imply danger or severe consequences.
C'è un avviso di chiusura temporanea del negozio sulla porta.
(There's a notice of temporary store closure on the door.)
Ho ricevuto un avviso di scadenza per il pagamento delle bollette.
(I received a reminder for the payment of bills.)


While both 'avvertimento' and 'avviso' can be translated as 'warning', 'avvertimento' is used for more serious situations or formal warnings, often implying potential danger or consequences. 'Avviso' is typically used for milder notifications, announcements, or general information that may not necessarily involve risk or danger.