Voler vs. piquer vs. dérober

The French language has multiple verbs that convey the act of stealing, but the nuances between 'voler', 'piquer', and 'dérober' show differences in connotation and usage. Understanding these variations can assist in grasping the richness and precision of French vocabulary when describing different scenarios of theft.


The verb 'voler' is the most general term for 'to steal' and can be used in both casual and formal contexts. It implies taking something without permission in a broad sense.
Il a volé une voiture hier soir.
(He stole a car last night.)
Les documents ont été volés du bureau.
(The documents were stolen from the office.)
Si tu voles dans un magasin, tu risques d'être arrêté.
(If you steal from a store, you risk getting arrested.)


'Piquer', a more colloquial term, often implies a lighter or less serious act of theft, such as pilfering or swiping, and is frequently used in informal situations.
Il m'a piqué mon stylo sans demander.
(He swiped my pen without asking.)
Ne pique pas les affaires des autres.
(Don't pinch other people's stuff.)
Qui a piqué mes clés ? Je ne les trouve plus.
(Who nicked my keys? I can't find them anymore.)


'Dérober' typically conveys a sense of discreet or stealthy theft, often with an implication of skill or subtlety. It is less common in everyday speech than 'voler' or 'piquer'.
Le voleur a dérobé le bijou sans se faire remarquer.
(The thief filched the jewel without being noticed.)
Des documents secrets furent dérobés au sein de l'entreprise.
(Secret documents were purloined within the company.)
Il avait lart de dérober des objets de valeur lors des réceptions.
(He had the art of making off with valuable items during receptions.)


In summary, 'voler' is the standard term for stealing and can be used broadly, 'piquer' is more casual and often suggests petty theft, whereas 'dérober' involves stealth and tends to imply a more skilled or secretive type of theft. These verbs reflect differing levels of severity and social context when describing the act of taking something without permission.