Suggestion vs. proposition

In French, the words 'suggestion' and 'proposition' can both be translated as 'suggestion' or 'proposal' in English. However, they are used in different contexts and have nuances that distinguish their use.


A 'suggestion' refers more to an idea or plan put forward for consideration, often in a less formal context.
J'ai une suggestion pour notre voyage.
(I have a suggestion for our trip.)
Sa suggestion était de changer le lieu de la réunion.
(His suggestion was to change the meeting location.)


A 'proposition' refers to a more formal offer or plan, usually one that is detailed and worthy of serious consideration.
La proposition de loi sera examinée demain.
(The bill proposal will be examined tomorrow.)
Il a fait une proposition concrète pour résoudre le problème.
(He made a concrete proposal to solve the problem.)


While both 'suggestion' and 'proposition' can be translated into English as 'suggestion' or 'proposal', the difference is in the level of formality and detail. 'Suggestion' is used for more informal or less detailed ideas, while 'proposition' is reserved for formal, detailed offers or plans.