Renverser vs. écraser vs. rouler dessus

When discussing unfortunate incidents involving vehicles and people or objects, the French language has several verbs that can be used: 'renverser', 'écraser', and 'rouler dessus'. Each of these verbs conveys a slightly different aspect of such incidents.


'Renverser' is generally used when something is knocked over or tipped by a moving vehicle, which may or may not result in injury or death.
Le cycliste a renversé un piéton en tournant à l'angle de la rue.
(The cyclist knocked over a pedestrian while turning at the street corner.)
Une voiture a renversé plusieurs cônes de signalisation sur l'autoroute.
(A car knocked over several traffic cones on the highway.)


'Écraser' implies that the vehicle has crushed or squashed someone or something underneath it, often resulting in severe injury or death.
Le camion a écrasé le vélo abandonné sur la chaussée.
(The truck crushed the abandoned bicycle on the road.)
Il n'a pas vu le chat et l'a malheureusement écrasé en reculant avec sa voiture.
(He didn't see the cat and unfortunately ran it over while reversing his car.)

Rouler dessus

The phrase 'rouler dessus' specifically indicates that a vehicle has driven over someone or something, implying contact and potentially causing harm as the wheels pass over.
En sortant du parking, la conductrice n'a pas remarqué le jouet et a roulé dessus.
(While exiting the parking lot, the driver didn't notice the toy and drove over it.)
L'enfant s'est rapidement écarté de la route pour éviter que la voiture ne lui roule dessus.
(The child quickly moved away from the road to avoid the car running over him.)


In summary, 'renverser', 'écraser', and 'rouler dessus' are all French verbs used to describe different types of incidents involving vehicles and pedestrians or objects. 'Renverser' involves knocking over or tipping, while 'écraser' denotes crushing with greater severity, and 'rouler dessus' means to literally drive over something or someone. Understanding these nuances is important for accurate communication regarding vehicle-related accidents.