Renoncer vs. abandonner vs. se rendre vs. baisser les bras

In French, several expressions convey the sense of admitting defeat or giving up, each with its own nuance. 'Renoncer', 'abandonner', 'se rendre', and 'baisser les bras' are four such terms that, while similar, have distinct implications depending on the context in which they are used.


To renounce or give up a pursuit or intention, often implying a decision made after thoughtful consideration.
Il a renoncer à devenir professionnel à cause de sa blessure.
(He had to give up on becoming professional due to his injury.)
Après mûre réflexion, j'ai décidé de renoncer à ce projet.
(After careful thought, I decided to give up on this project.)


To abandon or cease to support someone or something; it can also mean leaving something incomplete.
Elle a abandonné son chien lorsqu'elle a déménagé.
(She abandoned her dog when she moved.)
Il n'a pas fini la course et a préféré abandonner.
(He did not finish the race and preferred to drop out.)

Se rendre

Literally to surrender; typically used in martial or conflict situations, but can be metaphorical for other scenarios of defeat.
Après des heures de résistance, le voleur s'est rendu à la police.
(After hours of resistance, the thief surrendered to the police.)
Le joueur d'échecs s'est rendu après avoir perdu sa reine.
(The chess player surrendered after losing his queen.)

Baisser les bras

To lower one's arms; a metaphorical expression denoting giving up or discontinuing any effort, usually out of fatigue or despair.
Face à toutes ces difficultés, il ne faut pas baisser les bras.
(Don't give up in the face of all these difficulties.)
Quand elle a vu l'ampleur du travail restant, elle a baissé les bras.
(When she saw the amount of work left, she gave up.)


While 'renoncer' implies a voluntary and considered decision to give up, 'abandonner' suggests leaving behind or halting support. 'Se rendre' typically refers to admitting defeat in confrontational scenarios, and 'baisser les bras' captures the essence of cessation due to discouragement. Each phrase reflects different shades of surrendering and indicates the circumstances and emotional nuances associated with the decision to give up.