Rabais vs. réduction vs. remise

In the French language, 'rabais', 'réduction', and 'remise' are terms commonly used to describe various forms of price decreases. Although they can be sometimes used interchangeably in everyday speech, each word has its specific context and nuance.


A 'rabais' refers to a discount that is often given for bulk purchases or to certain groups of people, such as students or seniors. It implies a more substantial and possibly negotiable reduction in price.
Les étudiants bénéficient d'un rabais sur l'abonnement des transports publics.
(Students receive a discount on public transport subscriptions.)
Achetez deux chemises et obtenez un rabais de 10%.
(Buy two shirts and get a 10% discount.)


'Réduction' is a general term for any price reduction, often used in the context of sales, promotional offers, or temporary discounts on goods and services.
Profitez d'une réduction de 20% pendant les soldes d'hiver.
(Enjoy a 20% reduction during the winter sales.)
Cette semaine, il y a une réduction spéciale sur tous les appareils électroménagers.
(This week there's a special reduction on all household appliances.)


While 'remise' can also mean a price reduction, it often connotes a rebate granted after purchase or a markdown granted for reasons such as minor defects or the item being out of season. It can also represent a moderate discount offered directly at checkout.
Une remise de 5% est offerte pour tout paiement comptant.
(A 5% discount is offered for any cash payment.)
La remise sur cet article endommagé est de 30%.
(The markdown on this damaged item is 30%.)


While 'rabais', 'réduction', and 'remise' can be similar in indicating a decreased price, they differ in their implications and contexts of use: 'rabais' suggests a potential larger or negotiable discount often for specific groups or bulk purchases; 'réduction' is a generic term for any form of price cut typically seen during sales periods; and 'remise' indicates rebates or discounts at checkout which might be due to conditions such as product defects or cash payments. Understanding these subtleties ensures effective communication in French when discussing financial transactions involving price discounts.