Opinion vs. avis

The French words 'opinion' and 'avis' both relate to personal beliefs or judgments. While often interchangeable in casual conversation, they carry nuances that can lead to preference of one word over the other in certain contexts.


A general term for a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something. It usually implies a subjective viewpoint that may not be based on evidence or expertise.
Il a exprimé son désaccord avec l'opinion de la majorité.
(He expressed his disagreement with the majority opinion.)
Il a une opinion bien arrêtée sur la politique étrangère.
(He has a strong opinion on foreign policy.)
Les opinions divergent sur cette question.
(Opinions differ on this matter.)


Refers to an opinion or view, but it generally carries the connotation of advice or an expert's judgement. It is less about personal belief and more about informed recommendations or evaluations based on expertise or experience.
L'architecte nous a donné son avis sur le plan de la maison.
(The architect gave us his opinion on the house plan.)
Je voudrais avoir ton avis sur ce sujet avant de prendre une décision.
(I would like to have your opinion on this subject before making a decision.)
Selon l'avis du médecin, tu devrais te reposer davantage.
(According to the doctor's advice, you should rest more.)


In summary, while 'opinion' is more about personal beliefs which can be subjective and not necessarily backed by expertise, 'avis' implies a well-considered viewpoint that often suggests advice or is grounded in expertise. Context will dictate which term is more appropriate to use, with 'avis' being preferred when someone's professional judgement or guidance is involved.