Jambe vs. pied
This article explains the difference between the French words 'jambe' and 'pied'. Both terms are related to body parts but refer to different sections of the leg.
'Jambe' means 'leg' in English. It refers to the part of the human body between the hip and the ankle, including the thigh, knee, and calf.
Il a cassé sa jambe en jouant au football.
(He broke his leg while playing football.)
Elle a de longues jambes.
(She has long legs.)
La douleur dans ma jambe est insupportable.
(The pain in my leg is unbearable.)
'Pied' means 'foot' in English. It refers to the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, used for standing and walking.
Je veux acheter des chaussures pour mes pieds.
(I want to buy shoes for my feet.)
Son pied est blessé.
(His foot is injured.)
Après la marche, mes pieds sont fatigués.
(After walking, my feet are tired.)
'Jambe' and 'pied' refer to different parts of the lower limb. 'Jambe' is equivalent to 'leg', encompassing everything from hip to ankle, while 'pied' translates to 'foot', referring specifically to the part below the ankle used for walking and standing.