Interview vs. entretien vs. entrevue

The French language has several terms for discussions and meetings, notably 'interview', 'entretien' and 'entrevue'. Although they can be similar in concept, their usage and contexts vary. Understanding these differences improves the accuracy of communication in French.


An 'interview' usually refers to a formal meeting where someone is asked questions for a newspaper article, television show, research, or job application. It is a word borrowed from English and retains the same contexts in French.
J'ai une interview demain pour un article dans un magazine.
(I have an interview tomorrow for an article in a magazine.)
Elle prépare ses réponses pour l'interview télévisée.
(She is preparing her answers for the televised interview.)


'Entretien' can refer to a maintenance activity, but when people are involved, it implies a discussion or meeting, often with a connotation of formality. It is used in professional contexts, such as job interviews or performance reviews, and can also refer to the servicing or maintenance of equipment.
Il a un entretien d'embauche la semaine prochaine.
(He has a job interview next week.)
L'entretien de la voiture est prévu pour demain.
(The car's maintenance is scheduled for tomorrow.)


'Entrevue' refers specifically to a meeting or appointment between two or more people. It has a slightly more formal tone than its English counterpart 'meeting'. 'Entrevue' often implies a planned arrangement with specific goals or topics to be discussed.
Nous avons une entrevue avec le directeur après-demain.
(We have a meeting with the director the day after tomorrow.)
Après plusieurs tentatives, ils ont enfin obtenu une entrevue avec l'ambassadeur.
(After several attempts, they finally got an appointment with the ambassador.)


'Interview', 'entretien' and 'entrevue' are three French terms related to discussions and meetings, each with its specific context of use. Interview' mirrors English usage for media or work-related interviews, 'entretien' covers professional discussions and maintenance work, while 'entrevue' refers more to formal appointments or meetings.