Grand vs. gros

In French, the words 'grand' and 'gros' are often used to convey the notion of size. However, they are used in different contexts and indicate different types of size.


The word 'grand' is used to describe something that is big in height or length. Additionally, it can signify importance, age or intensity.
Il a un grand arbre dans son jardin.
(He has a big tree in his garden.)
C'est un grand homme.
(He is a great man.)
J'ai une grande faim.
(I'm very hungry.)


'Gros' is used to describe something that is big in terms of width or volume, often conveying the idea of something fat or bulky.
Il a un gros chat.
(He has a fat cat.)
Ce camion est très gros.
(This truck is very big.)
J'ai une grosse valise à porter.
(I have a large suitcase to carry.)


'Grand' and 'gros', both translating as 'big', are used differently in French. 'Grand' refers to something large in height, length or significance while 'gros' refers to something large in width or volume, often implying bulkiness or fatness.