Vengarse vs. vengar vs. tomar venganza

This article will explain the differences between the Spanish words 'vengarse', 'vengar', and 'tomar venganza', all of which can be translated as 'to avenge' or 'to take revenge'.


'Vengarse' is a reflexive verb meaning 'to take revenge on someone' or 'to get revenge'. It implies that the person who was wronged takes action to avenge themselves.
Ella decidió vengarse de su jefe por despedirla injustamente.
(She decided to take revenge on her boss for unfairly firing her.)
Los soldados juraron vengarse de sus enemigos por el ataque.
(The soldiers swore to avenge their enemies for the attack.)


'Vengar' is a non-reflexive verb meaning 'to avenge'. It is used when someone avenges another person rather than themselves.
El héroe vengó la muerte de su familia.
(The hero avenged his family's death.)
Juraron vengar las injusticias cometidas contra su pueblo.
(They swore to avenge the injustices committed against their people.)

Tomar venganza

'Tomar venganza' literally means 'to take revenge'. It is a more general phrase that can be used in various contexts to indicate seeking vengeance, either for oneself or on behalf of another.
Después de tanta humillación, planeó tomar venganza.
(After so much humiliation, he planned to take revenge.)
Los amigos del difunto prometieron tomar venganza contra los responsables de su muerte.
(The friends of the deceased promised to take revenge against those responsible for his death.)


In summary, while all three expressions relate to the concept of revenge, they are used slightly differently: 'vengarse' (reflexive) indicates avenging oneself directly; 'vengar' (non-reflexive) means avenging another person; and 'tomar venganza' is a general phrase that can apply to various contexts of seeking vengeance.