Testimonio vs. declaración

Both 'testimonio' and 'declaración' are Spanish words referring to the act of giving a recount of events or facts. The usage of these terms is largely context-based.


'Testimonio' primarily corresponds to 'testimony'. This typically refers to the account given by a witness, often in written form, about what they experienced or observed. It has a slightly more formal connotation and is usually used in legal and court contexts.
El juez le pidió al testigo que entregara su testimonio por escrito.
(The judge asked the witness to provide their testimony in writing.)
El testimonio de María fue crucial para resolver el caso.
(Maria's testimony was crucial in solving the case.)


'Declaración' translates as 'statement'. This refers to an explicit, formal announcement or recounting of facts or intents. It's not limited to a legal context and can be used more generally for any kind of claim or affirmation.
El sospechoso hizo su declaración ante la policía.
(The suspect made his statement to the police.)
En su declaración, el secretario general condenó los actos de violencia.
(In his statement, the secretary-general condemned acts of violence.)


While both 'testimonio' and 'declaración' refer to statements made in one form or another, they are used in different contexts. 'Testimonio' is generally used to refer specifically to witness accounts within legal environments, often implying a written format. In contrast, 'declaración' designates statements more broadly, not confined to legal or written situations, and can denote public announcements or other affirmations.