Reunión vs. junta vs. sesión

While 'reunión', 'junta', and 'sesión' can all mean 'meeting' in English, there are nuances in their use that distinguish them. These words carry different connotations that depend on the context in which they are used.


'Reunión' typically refers to an informal or formal coming together of people, whether socially, for business or other purposes. It corresponds closest to the general idea of a 'meeting' or 'gathering'.
Vamos a tener una reunión familiar la próxima semana.
(We're going to have a family meeting next week.)
Por favor, no olvides la reunión con los clientes mañana.
(Please don't forget the meeting with the clients tomorrow.)


'Junta' is often used in a more formal or professional context. It generally refers to scheduled meetings where decisions are made, like board meetings or committees. It could be compared with the English word 'assembly'.
La junta directiva se reunirá mañana para discutir las finanzas de la empresa.
(The board of directors will meet tomorrow to discuss the company's finances.)
La junta de vecinos decidirá sobre el problema del ruido.
(The neighborhood assembly will decide on the noise issue.)


'Sesión' is particularly used when referring to a formal sitting of a legislative body, a court, or other official groups. It can also refer to periodic sittings focused on activities like therapy or exercise.
Hoy la corte tiene una sesión importante para decidir sobre el caso.
(Today the court has an important session to decide on the case.)
La sesión de terapia duró aproximadamente una hora.
(The therapy session lasted approximately one hour.)


'Reunión', 'junta', and 'sesión' all carry the general English meaning of 'meeting', but are each used in specific contexts: 'reunión' for general gatherings, 'junta' for formal decision-making assemblies, and 'sesión' for official sittings or set periods of activity.