Reír vs. reírse

The Spanish words 'reír' and 'reírse' both mean 'to laugh', but they are used slightly differently. Understanding their distinct uses can help you speak more naturally in Spanish.


Reír means 'to laugh' and is typically used in a more general sense. It does not emphasize the subject's involvement as much as 'reírse'.
Ella siempre trata de hacerme reír.
(She always tries to make me laugh.)
Es bueno reír cada día.
(It is good to laugh every day.)
El público no pudo dejar de reír.
(The audience couldn't stop laughing.)


'Reírse' also means 'to laugh', but places more emphasis on the laugher's participation in the action. It often conveys a sense of spontaneous or personal laughter.
Él se ríe mucho con esa película.
(He laughs a lot with that movie.)
Nos reímos hasta llorar.
(We laughed until we cried.)
¿Por qué te ríes?
(Why are you laughing?)


'Reír' and 'reírse' both mean 'to laugh', but while 'reír' is more general, 'reírse' emphasizes the subject's active participation and personal experience of laughing.