Reembolso vs. devolución vs. reintegración

Spanish, like many languages, has multiple words for similar concepts, in this case, 'reembolso', 'devolución', 'reintegración', all essentially meaning 'refund' or 'reimbursement'. The particular usage of each depends on context and implies subtle differences in meaning.


'Reembolso' refers commonly to getting money back typically from a business after a purchase, similar to 'refund' in English. It often carries connotations of a formal request for money back.
Hola señora. Para recibir su reembolso, por favor llene este formulario.
(Hello ma’am. To receive your refund, please fill out this form.)
Debido al vuelo cancelado, los pasajeros esperaban un reembolso.
(Due to the cancelled flight, passengers were expecting a refund.)


'Devolución' is most commonly used to refer to the action of returning a material item or goods which you have purchased and received from a seller. Though it can also refer to the return of money or the equivalent value after returning a product similar to 'return' in English.
Si no estás satisfecho con el producto, puedes solicitar una devolución en los próximos 30 días.
(If you're not satisfied with the product, you can request a return in the next 30 days.)
Obtuve una devolución completa por la chaqueta que compré la semana pasada.
(I got a full money return for the jacket I bought last week.)


'Reintegración' generally refers to restoration or repayment - usually of money - but tends to be used in more formal, legal or official contexts than either 'reembolso' or 'devolución'. It implies restoring something to its previous state.
La empresa solicitó la reintegración de los fondos que fueron utilizados de manera indebida.
(The company demanded repayment of funds that had been misused.)
Tras la investigación, se ordenó la reintegración del dinero robado a las víctimas.
(After the investigation, it was ordered that the stolen money be restored to the victims.)


All three words - 'reembolso', 'devolución', and 'reintegración' - indicate receiving money or value back in some form. However; 'reembolso' implies getting money back after a purchase (refund), usually from businesses; 'devolución' generally involves physically returning an item (returns) and receiving equivalent value back; while 'reintegración' refers to restoration or repayment often in more formal contexts such as legal matters.