Reembolsar vs. devolver vs. reintegrar

In Spanish, 'reembolsar', 'devolver' and 'reintegrar' are verbs commonly used to express the act of returning money or objects, and each has a slightly different connotation. Understanding these differences is key to using them correctly in different contexts.


'Reembolsar' specifically refers to the process of compensating someone financially, often used in formal or commercial settings.
La compañía decidió reembolsar a los clientes afectados por el retraso del vuelo.
(The company decided to reimburse the customers affected by the flight delay.)
Si el producto está defectuoso, podemos reembolsarte el dinero.
(If the product is defective, we can refund your money.)


'Devolver' involves returning something to its original place or owner, and it can refer to both physical objects and money.
Necesito devolver estos zapatos porque no son de mi talla.
(I need to return these shoes because they are not my size.)
Puedes devolverme el libro que te presté la semana pasada?
(Can you return the book I lent you last week?)


'Reintegrar' often implies restoring something to its original state or position, frequently used in the context of funds or positions within organizations.
El banco reintegrará los fondos que fueron erroneamente debitados de tu cuenta.
(The bank will reinstate the funds that were mistakenly debited from your account.)
Después de la investigación, el empleado fue reintegrado a su puesto de trabajo.
(After the investigation, the employee was reinstated to his position.)


'Reembolsar', 'devolver', and 'reintegrar' all describe the act of giving back, but each has unique nuances: 'reembolsar' focuses on financial compensation; 'devolver' is used to return items or money; and 'reintegrar' emphasizes restoration to an original state. Choosing the right verb depends on the specific context of what is being returned.