Quemar vs. quemarse vs. arder

In Spanish, the words 'quemar', 'quemarse', and 'arder' all relate to the concept of burning but are used in different contexts. Understanding their specific uses can help ensure accurate communication.


The verb 'quemar' means 'to burn' in the sense of setting something on fire or causing it to burn.
Vamos a quemar los documentos viejos.
(We are going to burn the old documents.)
Puedes quemar la basura en el patio.
(You can burn the trash in the yard.)
El sol puede quemar tu piel si no usas protector solar.
(The sun can burn your skin if you don't use sunscreen.)


'Quemarse' is the reflexive form of 'quemar' and means 'to burn oneself' or 'to get burned'. It denotes an action where the subject is receiving the effect of burning.
Me quemé la mano cocinando.
(I burned my hand while cooking.)
Ella se quemó con agua caliente.
(She got burned with hot water.)
Puedes quemarte con el aceite caliente.
(You can burn yourself with hot oil.)


'Arder' means 'to burn' in the sense of something being on fire or feeling a burning sensation. It often implies a strong, intense burning.
El edificio comenzó a arder después del rayo.
(The building began to burn after the lightning strike.)
Después de la picadura de la abeja, su brazo comenzó a arder.
(After the bee sting, his arm began to burn.)
El aceite en la sartén empezó a arder rápidamente.
(The oil in the pan started to burn quickly.)


'Quemar', 'quemarse', and 'arder' are all verbs related to burning but differ based on context. 'Quemar' refers to actively setting something on fire. 'Quemarse' indicates someone or something getting burned, reflecting an action on oneself. 'Arder' describes something that is burning intensely or feeling a burning sensation.