Propuesta vs. sugerencia

The Spanish words 'propuesta' and 'sugerencia' can both refer to a suggestion or proposal, but they are used in different contexts and have slightly different nuances.


A 'propuesta' is a formal proposal or offer. It often involves a planned action or project with consideration of its potential outcomes and is typically used in professional or formal settings.
La empresa presentó una propuesta para mejorar la eficiencia de los procesos.
(The company presented a proposal to improve the efficiency of processes.)
Mi propuesta es cambiar el sistema de pago para hacerlo más seguro.
(My proposal is to change the payment system to make it more secure.)
Aceptaron su propuesta de matrimonio durante las vacaciones.
(They accepted his marriage proposal during the holidays.)


'Sugerencia' refers to a suggestion or piece of advice which is usually less formal than a 'propuesta'. It implies offering an idea or recommendation that can be considered without any strong obligation to follow through.
Te doy una sugerencia: deberías descansar más.
(I give you a suggestion: you should rest more.)
Gracias por la sugerencia, veré cómo puedo integrarla en mi proyecto.
(Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see how I can integrate it into my project.)
La sugerencia del jefe fue tener reuniones más cortas pero eficaces.
(The boss's suggestion was to have shorter but more effective meetings.)


'Propuesta' is generally used for formal proposals that involve thoughtful planning and consideration, often seen in professional settings. Meanwhile, 'sugerencia' is used for informal advice or recommendations that do not carry as much weight or formality.