Probar vs. probarse

In Spanish, 'probar' and 'probarse' are related verbs but have different uses and meanings.


'Probar' means 'to try' or 'to taste'. It is used when referring to trying something for the first time, tasting food, or experimenting with something.
Voy a probar la sopa.
(I am going to taste the soup.)
Ella quiere probar un nuevo deporte.
(She wants to try a new sport.)
Deberías probar este método para estudiar.
(You should try this method for studying.)
Él siempre quiere probar cosas nuevas.
(He always wants to try new things.)


'Probarse' means 'to try on'. It is a reflexive verb used when someone tries on clothing, accessories, or similar items.
Me voy a probar estos pantalones.
(I am going to try on these pants.)
Ella se está probando un vestido nuevo.
(She is trying on a new dress.)
Ellos se prueban los zapatos antes de comprarlos.
(They try on shoes before buying them.)
¿Te has probado la chaqueta ya?
(Have you tried on the jacket yet?)


'Probar' is used for tasting or trying out something like food or activities, while 'probarse' is specifically used for trying on clothing or accessories.