Piscina vs. alberca vs. pileta

The three Spanish words 'piscina', 'alberca' and 'pileta' all translate to 'swimming pool' in English. However, their usage varies based on the region and country where they are used.


The term 'piscina' is widely used in many Spanish-speaking countries including Spain, Mexico, and most of Central and South America to refer to a swimming pool.
Vamos a nadar en la piscina.
(Let's go swimming in the pool.)
La piscina está llena de agua.
(The pool is full of water.)


'Alberca' is another word for a swimming pool but it is typically used in Mexico.
La alberca está muy fría hoy.
(The swimming pool is very cold today.)
Padre limpió la alberca esta mañana.
(Dad cleaned the swimming pool this morning.)


'Pileta' is mainly used in Argentina and some parts of Uruguay to refer to a swimming pool.
Esta tarde iremos a la pileta.
(This afternoon we will go to the swimming pool.)
La pileta está desbordada por la lluvia.
(The pool is overflowing because of the rain.)


While 'piscina', 'alberca', and 'pileta' all refer to a 'swimming pool', their usage differs based on regional dialects. In general terms, 'piscina' is universally understood across Spanish-speaking countries, while 'alberca' is mainly used in Mexico and 'pileta' in Argentina and parts of Uruguay.