Perdonar vs. disculpar

The Spanish words 'perdonar' and 'disculpar' can both translate as 'to forgive' in English, but they are not always used interchangeably in practice. Their usage depends on the specific context and the nuances they carry.


'Perdonar' translates as 'to forgive', which is usually used in the sense of absolving someone of a serious mistake or offense.
Mi madre siempre me enseñó a perdonar a los demás.
(My mother always taught me to forgive others.)
No estoy seguro de si podrá perdonarme por lo que hice.
(I'm not sure if she will be able to forgive me for what I did.)


'Disculpar' also means 'to forgive', but it is generally used in more casual contexts when excusing minor transgressions or inconveniences.
Discúlpame por llegar tarde.
(Excuse me for being late.)
Te ruego que me disculpes por mi mal comportamiento.
(I beg you to excuse me for my bad behavior.)


'Perdonar' and 'disculpar' both mean 'to forgive', but the former is used to forgive serious offenses or mistakes, while the latter is applied to excuse minor transgressions or inconveniences.