Pedir vs. encargar

The two Spanish verbs 'pedir' and 'encargar' both translate to 'to order' in English, but are used in different contexts. Their usage depends on the type of object or service being ordered, as well as various cultural and regional factors.


'Pedir' is generally used when ordering food or drink in a restaurant or bar. It indicates placing an order for immediate consumption.
Voy a pedir una pizza.
(I am going to order a pizza.)
Pedimos tres tazas de café.
(We ordered three cups of coffee.)
Me gustaría pedir el menú del día.
(I would like to order the menu of the day.)


'Encargar' suggests a special order or commission of goods which might need to be prepared, made, or delivered. It implies that there may be a wait for the item.
Voy a encargar un pastel para la fiesta.
(I am going to order a cake for the party.)
Tengo que encargar una nueva laptop.
(I have to order a new laptop.)
Quiero encargar un retrato de mi perro.
(I want to commission a portrait of my dog.)


'Pedir' and 'encargar', both translating to 'to order', are used in different situations in Spanish. The former is often used in ordering food or drink for immediate use, while the latter hints at a custom order that likely requires waiting time or delivery.