Noticia vs. novedad

The Spanish words 'noticia' and 'novedad' can be translated into English as 'news'. However, they are used differently in Spanish, each carrying its own nuance of meaning.


'Noticia' refers specifically to a piece of information that is considered newsworthy, something novel or previously unknown that is being communicated.
Tengo una noticia importante que compartir.
(I have an important news to share.)
La noticia sobre el desastre se difundió rápidamente.
(The news about the disaster spread quickly.)
Salí en las noticias de la noche.
(I came out in the night news.)


'Novedad', while it can also mean news, often conveys the sense of novelty or freshness. It is typically used when referring to something new and different that has just come into view or existence.
¿Hay alguna novedad en la oficina?
(Is there any news at the office?)
La novedad del día es que voy a ser padre.
(The novelty of the day is that I'm going to be a father.)
Este libro es la última novedad del autor.
(This book is the latest novelty from the author.)


'Noticia' and 'novedad' can both be translated as 'news', but they are not interchangeable. 'Noticia' refers to a newsworthiness, while 'novedad' often carries a sense of novelty or freshness.