Mudarse vs. trasladarse
The Spanish words 'mudarse' and 'trasladarse' both refer to the action of changing residence, but they are used in slightly different contexts. Both words are verbs, but they are not always interchangeable.
'Mudarse' generally refers to changing one's personal living space or residence. It's most commonly used when discussing moving homes, whether it be locally or to a different city or country.
Me voy a mudar a una nueva ciudad el mes que viene.
(I'm going to move to a new city next month.)
No puedes esperar a que tu vida cambie si no te mudas de lugar.
(You can't wait for your life to change if you don't move places.)
'Trasladarse', in contrast, can be used in more formal or institutional contexts. It is often used when speaking about relocating offices or businesses, or moving from one location to another for work purposes.
La empresa decidió trasladarse a una oficina más grande para acomodar a más empleados.
(The company decided to relocate to a larger office to accommodate more employees.)
Mi puesto de trabajo requiere que me traslade frecuentemente entre ciudades.
(My job requires me to frequently relocate between cities.)
'Mudarse' and 'trasladarse' are similar in meaning, yet they fulfill different nuances in the Spanish language. 'Mudarse' is typically used in the context of personal residential changes, while 'trasladarse' carries more of an official or professional connotation, often implying movement for work-related purposes.