Flúor vs. fluoruro

Understanding the Spanish terms 'flúor' and 'fluoruro' is important for distinguishing between the element fluorine and its compounds. While they are related, each word has a specific use in scientific contexts.


'Flúor' refers to the chemical element fluorine, which is a pale yellow-green gas that is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements.
El flúor es un elemento químico de la tabla periódica.
(Fluorine is a chemical element on the periodic table.)
Se debe tener cuidado al manejar flúor debido a su alta reactividad.
(Care must be taken when handling fluorine due to its high reactivity.)


'Fluoruro' refers to a fluoride, which is an ion of fluorine (F−) or a compound that contains this ion. Fluorides are known for their role in dental health.
El fluoruro de sodio se utiliza en pastas de dientes para prevenir las caries.
(Sodium fluoride is used in toothpastes to prevent cavities.)
El agua potable a menudo es tratada con pequeñas cantidades de fluoruro para mejorar la salud dental de la población.
(Drinking water is often treated with small amounts of fluoride to improve the dental health of the population.)


'Flúor' refers to the elemental form of fluorine, while 'fluoruro' refers to a fluoride ion or a compound containing this ion. Understanding both terms helps to clarify discussions about the applications of fluoride, particularly in chemistry and health-related fields.