Experto vs. especialista vs. perito

In Spanish, the words 'experto', 'especialista', and 'perito' all broadly translate to 'expert' in English. However, there are subtle differences in their usage and connotations, which become clearer through examples.


An 'experto' refers to someone who possesses comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular area due to training or extensive experience.
Es un experto en la materia de física.
(He is an expert in the subject of physics.)
Mi hermano es un experto en informática.
(My brother is an expert in computer science.)


'Especialista' may denote a person who specializes in a specific domain of study or work. This title often implies advanced study or professional certification.
Necesito consultar con un especialista en neurología.
(I need to consult with a specialist in neurology.)
Mi padre es un especialista en derecho laboral.
(My father is a specialist in labor law.)


'Perito' usually refers to a seasoned professional equipped with specialized knowledge who reports their findings on technical matters. Generally, they are engaged for their expertise by legal courts or insurance companies.
Un perito evaluó los daños causados a la propiedad por el incendio.
(An assessor evaluated the damage caused to the property by the fire.)
El tribunal llamó a un perito para obtener una opinión experta sobre el caso de fraude financiero.
(The court called an assessor to get an expert opinion about the financial fraud case.)


While 'experto', 'especialista', and 'perito' can all be translated as ‘expert’, their usage varies based on context. An 'experto' is generally someone knowledgeable due to personal experience or learning. An 'especialista' is often a certified professional with specialized education. A 'perito', meanwhile, tends to reference an assessor or appraiser whose expertise is used by legal organizations.