Equilibrio vs. balance
The Spanish words 'equilibrio' and 'balance' both translate to 'balance' in English, but they are used in different contexts and have distinct nuances.
'Equilibrio' is used mainly to refer to physical balance, emotional stability, or a harmonious state in various aspects of life.
El acróbata mantuvo su equilibrio sobre la cuerda floja.
(The acrobat maintained his balance on the tightrope.)
Necesito encontrar un equilibrio entre trabajo y vida personal.
(I need to find a balance between work and personal life.)
El equilibrio emocional es crucial para tu bienestar.
(Emotional balance is crucial for your well-being.)
'Balance' in Spanish often refers specifically to financial contexts or the concept of weighing factors, rather than physical balance.
Revisé el balance de mi cuenta bancaria.
(I checked the balance of my bank account.)
El contador presentó el balance financiero anual de la empresa.
(The accountant presented the company's annual financial statement.)
Para tomar una buena decisión, debes hacer un balance de los pros y contras.
(To make a good decision, you must weigh the pros and cons.)
'Equilibrio' is generally used to describe physical balance, emotional stability, or harmony. 'Balance' is mostly used in financial contexts or when weighing different factors.