Desorden vs. trastorno

The Spanish language has multiple terms that can often be confused due to their similarities in meaning or translation. 'Desorden' and 'trastorno' are two such words that both translate as 'disorder' in English but are used in different contexts. Understanding the nuances between them is important for accurate communication.


'Desorden' generally refers to a state of untidiness or lack of organization. It can apply to physical spaces, situations, or abstract concepts where order is expected but not present.
Mi habitación está en completo desorden después de la fiesta anoche.
(My room is in complete disarray after last night's party.)
El proyecto fracasó debido al desorden administrativo de la empresa.
(The project failed due to the company's administrative chaos.)
Hay un desorden en los archivos; no encuentro el documento que necesito.
(There is a mess in the files; I can't find the document I need.)


The word 'trastorno' usually refers to a medical or psychological condition that disrupts normal functioning. It implies a disturbance affecting an individual's health, behavior, or mental processes. Often, it is used formally and clinically.
Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo es un tipo de trastorno de ansiedad.
(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder.)
El trastorno del espectro autista afecta la comunicación y el comportamiento social.
(Autism Spectrum Disorder affects communication and social behavior.)
Ella fue diagnosticada con un trastorno alimenticio llamado bulimia.
(She was diagnosed with an eating disorder called bulimia.)


Though both 'desorden' and 'trastorno' translate to 'disorder' in English, their use in Spanish context is distinct. 'Desorden' is used for situations involving disarray and lack of organization, whereas 'trastorno' refers to medical or psychological conditions disrupting normal functioning or health. Recognizing this difference ensures appropriate usage in various contexts and enhances clarity of communication in Spanish-speaking environments.