Descuento vs. rebaja

The Spanish words 'descuento' and 'rebaja' both refer to a reduction in price, but they are used in slightly different contexts and scenarios.


'Descuento' refers to a specific amount or percentage subtracted from the original price. It is often used in contexts where a certain percentage off the price is being offered.
Este producto tiene un descuento del 20%.
(This product has a 20% discount.)
Me dieron un descuento por ser cliente frecuente.
(They gave me a discount for being a frequent customer.)
Consigue un descuento usando este código promocional.
(Get a discount using this promotional code.)


'Rebaja' typically refers to a sale where prices are reduced, often by the store during certain periods, like seasonal sales. It implies broader and often time-limited price reductions.
Aprovecha las rebajas de verano hasta un 50% de descuento.
(Take advantage of the summer sales with up to 50% off.)
Las tiendas tienen grandes rebajas después de Navidad.
(Stores have big sales after Christmas.)
Durante las rebajas compré muchos artículos rebajados.
(During the sales, I bought many discounted items.)


'Descuento' generally refers to a specific markdown or percentage off an item's price, often tied to individual transactions or promotions. 'Rebaja' refers to broader, often time-specific sales events typically organized by stores. Both terms signify cost savings but are applied in different contexts.