Descubrir vs. averiguar vs. enterarse vs. saber

In Spanish, there are several ways to express 'to find out' or 'to learn', each with subtle differences in their use and connotation. The words 'descubrir', 'averiguar', 'enterarse' and 'saber' can all carry this meaning.


This word translates to English as 'to discover'. It means to find something that was previously unknown, undisclosed or unseen. Typically used when talking about discovering a fact or understanding a previously unknown concept.
Acabo de descubrir que mi amigo me engañó.
(I just discovered that my friend deceived me.)
Los científicos han descubierto una nueva especie de rana en la selva.
(Scientists have discovered a new species of frog in the jungle.)


'Averiguar' is akin to the English phrases 'find out' or 'figure out'. It connotes an action one takes to actively get information about something or someone.
Voy a averiguar quién es el dueño de este coche.
(I'm going to find out who owns this car.)
Debemos averiguar la mejor hora para ir de compras.
(We must figure out the best time to go shopping.)


'Enterarse' is similar to 'become aware of' or 'get wind of' in English. It is often used when one learns of something passively, rather than by intentional investigation.
Me enteré del accidente por las noticias.
(I got wind of the accident from the news.)
No me enteré de la reunión hasta esta mañana.
(I didn't become aware of the meeting until this morning.)


'Saber' typically means 'to know'. But it can also be used in contexts that would be translated as 'find out' or 'learn', especially when it introduces new knowledge.
Supe que había suspendido el examen cuando recibí el resultado.
(I found out I had failed the test when I received the result.)
Quiero saber más sobre ti.
(I want to learn more about you.)


Whether you're "discovering" (descubrir), actively "finding out" (averiguar), passively becoming aware (enterarse), or gaining new knowledge (saber), these words offer a variety of ways to express gaining information in Spanish.