Derrochar vs. desperdiciar vs. malgastar vs. despilfarrar vs. dilapidar

In the Spanish language, there are several synonyms for the English words 'to waste' or 'to squander', specifically when talking about money or resources. These include 'derrochar', 'desperdiciar', 'malgastar', 'despilfarrar', 'dilapidar'. Although they often get used interchangeably, each term carries unique connotations and is used in specific contexts.


Usually associated with excessive and unnecessary expenditures, often to show off wealth or status.
Suele derrochar dinero en joyas y coches de lujo.
(He usually squanders money on jewelry and luxury cars.)


More general in usage, often relating to wasting time, opportunities, or material resources.
Es un pecado desperdiciar tanto talento.
(It's a sin to waste that much talent.)


Often used in reference to misuse of funds or being careless in managing finances.
Detesta malgastar dinero en comidas costosas.
(He detests wasting money on expensive meals.)


Typically refers to reckless spending without thought for the future.
Después de ganar la lotería, comenzó a despilfarrarlo todo rápidamente.
(After winning the lottery, he began to squander it all quickly.)


Although similar to 'despilfarrar', it's usually used in a more formal context or legal terms, referring to irresponsible management of estates or public funds.
El alcalde está acusado de dilapidar los fondos públicos.
(The mayor is accused of squandering public funds.)


'Derrochar', 'desperdiciar', 'malgastar', 'despilfarrar' and 'dilapidar' all revolve around the concept of wasting or squandering resources. However, each carries unique nuances: 'derrochar' is often about showing off wealth; 'desperdiciar' applies more widely to wasted opportunities as well as funds; 'malgastar' emphasizes poor management; 'despilfarrar' suggests impulsive recklessness; and finally, 'dilapidar' is frequently used within legal cases featuring irresponsible uses of public or private estates.