Decir vs. hablar

The Spanish words 'decir' and 'hablar' are often used interchangeably by learners, but they have distinct meanings and uses. Understanding these differences is crucial for effectively communicating in Spanish.


'Decir' means 'to say' or 'to tell'. It is used when conveying specific information, statements, or messages from one person to another.
Él quiere decir algo importante.
(He wants to say something important.)
Ella me dijo que no podía venir.
(She told me that she couldn't come.)
¿Qué dijiste?
(What did you say?)
No tengo nada que decir al respecto.
(I have nothing to say about it.)


'Hablar' means 'to speak' or 'to talk'. It is used for general communication or when describing the act of speaking itself.
Pedro y Ana están hablando en el parque.
(Pedro and Ana are talking in the park.)
Me gusta hablar con mis amigos.
(I like to talk with my friends.)
¿Puedes hablar más despacio, por favor?
(Can you speak more slowly, please?)
Ella habla tres idiomas.
(She speaks three languages.)


In summary, 'decir' and 'hablar' serve different purposes in Spanish. 'Decir' focuses on the content being communicated (to say/tell), while 'hablar' refers to the act of communication itself (to speak/talk). By mastering these distinctions, you'll enhance your ability to express yourself clearly and accurately in Spanish.