Cosechar vs. recoger

The Spanish words 'cosechar' and 'recoger' can both mean 'to reap' or 'to harvest', but they have different nuances and uses. This article will explore these differences with diverse examples to clarify their distinct meanings and contexts.


'Cosechar' means to harvest crops, often used in an agricultural context. It implies the process of gathering mature crops from the fields.
Los agricultores comenzaron a cosechar el maíz en septiembre.
(The farmers began to harvest the corn in September.)
Vamos a cosechar las uvas para hacer vino.
(We are going to harvest the grapes to make wine.)
Es importante cosechar las verduras cuando están maduras.
(It is important to harvest the vegetables when they are ripe.)


Recoger is a more general term that means to pick up, gather, or collect. It can be used for harvesting crops, but also has broader applications beyond agriculture.
Voy a recoger las manzanas del suelo.
(I am going to pick up the apples from the ground.)
Después de la fiesta, necesitamos recoger toda la basura.
(After the party, we need to gather all the trash.)
Ellos fueron al campo a recoger flores silvestres.
(They went to the field to collect wildflowers.)
Recogí mis pertenencias y me fui.
(I gathered my belongings and left.)


In summary, 'cosechar' is primarily used in agricultural contexts specifically for harvesting crops, while 'recoger' has a broader meaning that includes picking up, gathering, or collecting items in various contexts beyond just agriculture.