Convertirse vs. transformarse vs. volverse vs. ponerse vs. quedarse vs. hacerse vs. llegar a ser

In Spanish, there are multiple verbs with the meaning 'to become', such as 'convertirse', 'transformarse', 'volverse', 'ponerse', 'quedarse', 'hacerse' and 'llegar a ser'. Each of these verbs has subtle differences in implication and usage, which can be understood through various examples.


'Convertirse' refers to a significant or drastic change, often long-term or permanent.
El agua se convirtió en hielo.
(The water turned into ice.)
Mi mejor amigo se convirtió en mi enemigo.
(My best friend became my enemy.)


'Transformarse' also indicates a major change but usually more from the perspective of form or condition.
La oruga se transformó en mariposa.
(The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.)
El pueblo se transformó en ciudad.
(The village transformed into a city.)


'Volverse' implies a change in character, traits, behavior or state, often with a somewhat negative connotation.
Se volvió loco.
(He went crazy.)
Se volvió muy silencioso despues del incidente.
(He became very quiet after the incident.)


'Ponerse' suggests temporary or immediate changes, often related to someone's mood, color, or physical state.
Se puso triste al escuchar la noticia.
(She became sad when she heard the news.)
Se puso rojo de verguenza.
(He turned red from embarrassment.)


'Quedarse' refers to becoming something as a result of a loss or deprivation.
Se quedó sordo después del accidente.
(He became deaf after the accident.)
Se quedó viuda hace un par de años.
(She became a widow a couple of years ago.)


'Hacerse' involves an effortful transformation, often attained by oneself with specific intention.
Se hizo médico estudiando mucho.
(He became a doctor by studying a lot.)
Mi hermano se hizo vegetariano.
(My brother became vegetarian.)

Llegar a ser

'Llegar a ser' denotes achieving or becoming something over time, often relating to professional or personal achievement.
Después de años de práctica, llegó a ser un famoso pianista.
(After years of practice, he became a famous pianist.)
Con mucho esfuerzo llegaron a ser propietarios de una casa.
(With much effort, they became homeowners.)


'Convertirse', 'transformarse', 'volverse', 'ponerse', 'quedarse', 'hacerse', and 'llegar a ser' all convey the idea of 'becoming', yet their usage depends on the context and nature of change. While some suggest long-term transformation ('convertirse'), some denote the result of loss ('quedarse'), others emphasize effortful attainment ('hacerse') and some illustrate temporary conditions ('ponerse'). Understanding these nuances will assist in choosing the correct verb in various contexts.