Comportamiento vs. conducta

The Spanish terms 'comportamiento' and 'conducta' are often used interchangeably as they both translate to the English word 'behavior'. However, subtle differences can be noted in their connotations and usage.


'Comportamiento' translates into English as 'behavior', and usually refers to the actions and reactions of an individual in response to specific situations or stimuli.
El comportamiento de los niños en la escuela fue ejemplar.
(The children's behavior at school was exemplary.)
Los científicos están estudiando el comportamiento de las células bajo diferentes condiciones.
(Scientists are studying the behavior of cells under different conditions.)
El comportamiento del mercado es impredecible.
(The market's behavior is unpredictable.)


'Conducta', which also translates into English as 'behavior', tends to refer more broadly to a person's overall behavior pattern, perhaps characterized by certain moral or ethical standards.
Su conducta en la reunión fue inapropiada.
(His conduct at the meeting was inappropriate.)
La conducta ética es fundamental en nuestra empresa.
(Ethical conduct is fundamental in our company.)
La mejora en su conducta es notable desde que empezó la terapia.
(There's a noticeable improvement in his conduct since he started therapy.)


'Comportamiento' and 'conducta', while both translating as 'behavior', differ subtly in terms of their usage. The former tends to be used in describing actions within certain situations, while the latter describes one’s overall inherent or habitual behavior, often related to personal ethics or morality.