Cómic vs. historieta

In the Spanish language, there is a subtle distinction between the terms 'cómic' and 'historieta', which both refer to different forms of graphic storytelling. Below, we will explore the nuanced differences between these two words.


The word 'cómic' in Spanish is generally used to refer to comic books, strips, or graphic novels that are often associated with American-style superhero stories, adventurous narrative forms or those that have international recognition.
Los cómics de Marvel y DC son populares en todo el mundo.
(Marvel and DC comics are popular all around the world.)
Me gustaría comprar el último cómic de Batman.
(I would like to buy the latest Batman comic book.)
¿Has leído este cómic europeo?
(Have you read this European comic?)


'Historieta' is a term used in Spanish-speaking countries for locally produced or traditional comics or cartoon strips. These stories often contain humor or satire and may not have the same level of worldwide acclaim as some 'cómics'.
Mi abuelo guardaba una colección de historietas de su juventud.
(My grandfather kept a collection of comic strips from his youth.)
Las historietas en el periódico de hoy estaban muy divertidas.
(Today's newspaper cartoons were very funny.)
La historieta argentina 'Mafalda' es conocida por su crítica social.
(The Argentine comic strip 'Mafalda' is known for its social criticism.)


'Cómic' and 'historieta' both refer to forms of sequential art and narrative but differ primarily in their cultural connotations and the type of stories they present. 'Cómic' is commonly tied to the American-influenced graphic novels or internationally recognized series, often filled with adventure and superhuman characters. On the other hand, 'historieta' is more closely related to local or traditional comic strips and books, frequently found in newspapers and associated with humor, everyday life situations, or social commentary. While there is some overlap, each term carries its unique flavor within the world of Spanish-language graphic storytelling.