Chiste vs. broma

In Spanish, the words 'chiste' and 'broma' both translate to 'joke' in English, but they have distinct connotations and are used in different contexts.


A 'chiste' is a planned and often rehearsed joke, typically told to amuse an audience. It usually has a setup and punchline.
¿Conoces el chiste del perro que caminaba en dos patas?
(Do you know the joke about the dog that walked on two legs?)
Él siempre cuenta el mismo chiste en las fiestas.
(He always tells the same joke at parties.)
Ese chiste fue muy gracioso y todos se rieron.
(That joke was very funny and everyone laughed.)


'Broma' refers to a prank or jest that can involve actions or words. It is typically intended to be playful or humorous but may or may not have a verbal setup and punchline like 'chiste'.
Le hicieron una broma pesada y se enojó mucho.
(They played a heavy prank on him, and he got very angry.)
Pensé que la llamada era una broma.
(I thought the call was a joke.)
¿Te creíste que ganaste la lotería? ¡Era solo una broma!
(Did you believe you won the lottery? It was just a prank!)


'Chiste' typically denotes a spoken joke with a setup and punchline meant to amuse an audience. 'Broma', on the other hand, can refer to a broader range of jokes including pranks, playful deception, or jesting actions.