Cacahuete vs. maní vs. cacahuate

The words 'cacahuete', 'maní', and 'cacahuate' are all Spanish terms meaning 'peanut'. The usage of these terms is mainly based on the region.


This term is generally used in Spain to refer to peanuts.
Me gusta comer cacahuetes mientras veo una película.
(I like eating peanuts while watching a movie.)
Los cacahuetes son un buen snack.
(Peanuts are a good snack.)


This term is commonly used in Latin America, especially in regions like Argentina and Colombia.
La mantequilla de maní es deliciosa.
(Peanut butter is delicious.)
El maní es una fuente rica en proteínas.
(Peanuts are a rich source of protein.)


Although closely resembled to 'Cacahuete', this word is specifically prevalent in Mexico.
Los Tacos con salsa de cacahuate son populares en México.
(Tacos with peanut sauce are popular in Mexico.)
El cacahuate es un ingrediente común en la comida mexicana.
(Peanuts are a common ingredient in Mexican food.)


The words 'cacahuete', 'maní', and 'cacahuate' all mean 'peanut' in English but vary by Spanish-speaking countries. While 'cacahuete' is utilized predominantly in Spain, 'maní’' is familiar to Latin American nations including Argentina and Colombia, and ‘cacahuate’ is noteworthy within Mexico.