Belleza vs. hermosura

The Spanish words 'belleza' and 'hermosura' often cause confusion as they both have a similar meaning - 'beauty'. However, the usage and context of these two words can differ, which results in their dissimilar undertones.


'Belleza' generally refers to beauty in a broad sense and it can be applied to persons, objects or ideas. It does not just refer to physical attractiveness but also to the appeal or the pleasing qualities of something.
La belleza de la naturaleza es impresionante.
(The beauty of nature is impressive.)
Ella es una belleza.
(She is a beauty.)


'Hermosura' also means beauty but it’s traditionally used more in poetry or elevated language like literature. It often implies a deeper beauty, one that causes astonishment or admiration.
Las estrellas desplegaban su hermosura en el cielo nocturno.
(The stars displayed their beauty in the night sky.)
Su hermosura capturó mi corazón.
(Her beauty captured my heart.)


'Belleza' and 'hermosura' both translate to 'beauty', yet their uses vary depending on the context. While 'belleza' is generally used to depict beauty in all its forms - objects, people, or concepts, 'hermosura' is often reserved for a more exquisite, breathtaking version of beauty, mainly seen in literature or poetry.