Balanza vs. balance

In Spanish, 'balanza' and 'balance' refer to two different aspects of the word balance: one as a physical measuring device and the other in a financial context.


'Balanza' refers to a scale, an instrument used to measure weight or mass.
La balanza mostró que el paquete pesaba 5 kilogramos.
(The scale showed that the package weighed 5 kilograms.)
Necesitamos una balanza para medir los ingredientes con precisión.
(We need a scale to measure the ingredients accurately.)
La balanza de la tienda no está funcionando correctamente.
(The store's scale is not working properly.)


'Balance' refers to the financial state of an account, including assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.
El balance financiero de la empresa fue positivo este año.
(The company's financial balance was positive this year.)
Necesitamos revisar el balance antes de solicitar un préstamo.
(We need to review the balance before applying for a loan.)
El contador preparó el balance del trimestre pasado.
(The accountant prepared last quarter's balance.)


'Balanza' is used when referring to a physical scale for measuring weight, while 'balance' in a financial context refers to the summary of finances of an entity.