Audiencia vs. público

In Spanish, the words 'audiencia' and 'público' both translate to the English word 'audience', but they are used in different contexts and have distinct meanings.


The word 'audiencia' refers to a formal gathering of people who listen to a speaker or watch a performance, often in an official or ceremonial context. It can also mean a group of people engaged in watching or listening to a particular media, like TV or radio shows.
La audiencia del juicio estaba muy atenta.
(The audience at the trial was very attentive.)
El presidente tuvo una audiencia con el papa.
(The president had an audience with the Pope.)
El programa tiene una gran audiencia en España.
(The show has a large audience in Spain.)


'Público' refers to the general public or people attending an event, such as a concert, play, or sporting event. It emphasizes the collective nature of the people present rather than the formality of the gathering.
El público ovacionó al cantante después de la canción.
(The audience gave an ovation to the singer after the song.)
El teatro estaba lleno de público emocionado.
(The theater was full of excited people.)
El público de la conferencia hizo muchas preguntas.
(The audience at the conference asked many questions.)


While both 'audiencia' and 'público' refer to groups of people watching or listening to something, 'audiencia' is used in more formal or specific contexts such as official meetings, trials, or media audiences. On the other hand, 'público' pertains to the general attendees of events like concerts, plays, and conferences.