Amabilidad vs. bondad vs. gentileza

Although 'amabilidad', 'bondad', and 'gentileza' can all translate to 'kindness' in English, they each include slightly different aspects of what it means to be kind. These words relate to one's behavior or attitudes and describe the positive and gentle approach towards others.


'Amabilidad' refers more specifically to politeness or courtesy. It points out a person's friendly demeanour or congeniality.
La amabilidad del camarero nos hizo sentir bienvenidos.
(The waiter’s kindness made us feel welcome.)
Gracias por tu amabilidad y paciencia.
(Thank you for your kindness and patience.)


'Bondad' is a general term often used to reference goodness and kindness of the heart. It signifies moral integrity, honesty, and overall virtue.
Su bondad no conoce límites.
(Her kindness knows no bounds.)
La bondad es una virtud que siempre deberíamos practicar.
(Kindness is a virtue that we should always practice.)


'Gentileza' refers to a noble or refined manners. It includes gracefulness, politeness, elegance, gallantry which is more seen as a characteristic of high social status.
La gentileza de su trato nos impresionó.
(The gentleness of his treatment impressed us.)
Una carta de agradecimiento es una gentileza que siempre se aprecia.
(A thank you letter is a kindness that is always appreciated.)


'Amabilidad', 'bondad', and 'gentileza' each reflect variations of 'kindness', respectively highlighting aspects of amiability and agreeableness, deep-seated good nature, and politeness or courtesy.