Aconsejar vs. asesorar
The words 'aconsejar' and 'asesorar' in Spanish both translate to 'advise' in English, but they differ slightly in use and context.
'Aconsejar' translates to 'to advise' in English and it is generally used to indicate giving advice or recommendations in more informal, personal, or daily life situations.
Mi madre siempre me aconsejó que ahorre dinero para el futuro.
(My mother always advised me to save money for the future.)
Te aconsejo que te abrigues bien antes de salir. Hace mucho frío.
(I advise you to wrap up warm before leaving. It's very cold.)
El doctor le aconsejó que coma más frutas y verduras.
(The doctor advised him to eat more fruits and vegetables.)
'Asesorar' also means 'to advise', but is commonly used in more formal or professional contexts. This term often refers to offering expert advice on various specialized topics such as law, finance, business, etc.
La empresa contrató a un consultor para asesorarles en sus decisiones financieras.
(The company hired a consultant to advise them on their financial decisions.)
El abogado está aquí para asesorarte en el proceso legal.
(The lawyer is here to advise you on the legal process.)
La docente asesoró al estudiante en su trabajo de investigación.
(The teacher advised the student on his research work.)
'Aconsejar' and 'asesorar' both translate as 'to advise', but bear different nuances: 'aconsejar' refers to giving advice in general contexts (usually interpersonal), while 'asesorar' refers to providing specialist advice, most often in professional settings.